Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tangerine, Edward Bloor

This week I am in the tangerine book group and so far I have liked the book. It is around 280 pages, and i am almost done with it, we are supposed to have it done by next week on Friday. this book has sports (which I like) and action, (not like shooting an stuff) and those are two things that make a book interesting in my perspective. The sports/action doesn't get to overwhelming in this book, its a nice balance.
This book is about Paul Fisher and his family moves to a place called Tangerine in Florida. Paul plays soccer and is a really good goalie his only issue is that he has a pair of thick glasses making it so he can see (because he had an accented  when he was younger). He is going to go to a school called Lake Windsor Middle School and he really wants to play on the soccer team there but when his mom signed him up to the school she said he had an IEP (Individualized Education Program) because of his sight, the coach found out and he didnt make the team even though he was a really good goalie. we find out later in the book that he can see find with the glasses on. later in the book there is a very important event that could change his time in Tangerine, read this book if you want to find out.

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